Thursday, July 4, 2013

Carbon Footprints...Como?

Hey guys, check out this awesome survey to calculate your annual carbon footprint!

To enhance the overall experience of the Dialogue, we are supposed to comment and have conversations on each other's posts.  So I have come up with a few questions that I think will be thought provoking:

1. Why do you think certain states automatically have a higher carbon footprint than others? You can test this by completing the survey and backtracking to the "Home and Energy" section.  What states are most expensive? Is the implication that living in these states is less sustainable / economically less attractive?

2. Should the survey provide definitions of attached / detached households? Personally, I am curious about why certain household types are less energy efficient than others.  Is there ways we can take the less energy efficient households, and somehow add efficient aspects too them?

3. Why does the inclusion of meat in the diet make such a huge green house gas difference?  This is likely a personal vendetta, but I think meat in a diet is totally necessary.  Its been about 4 hours since my last piece of beef and I'm feeling absolutely cranky.  How big of a problem is this?  If everyone was a vegan would we be in a far better place emission-wise?

4. What the heck is an Energy Star appliance? How many do: you own / have seen / are available?

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