Thursday, July 11, 2013

Gasland: How is this legal?

1.  Do you think the Halliburton added the exemption clause to the Clean Water Act with the knowledge that there process was harmful to the environment?

2.  Are you skeptical of any of the information presented by Josh Fox?  Do you think he has motivations outside of being a whistle-blower or that he skewed some of the information?

3.  How do you feel about the Pennsylvania politician's conviction that there is no clean solution to the energy problem?  Is shale gas a necessary evil in order to reduce our dependency on foreign oil?  Would it be worthwhile to develop environmentally friendly adaptations of fracking, or is the process inherently dangerous / insolvable?


  1. If Halliburton claims that their process does not contaminate water supplies, or the environment, why do you think that they insist on excluding themselves from dozens of EPA regulations?

    The whole thing smells fishy to me, also carcinogenic.

  2. How do you feel about the Pennsylvania politician's conviction that there is no clean solution to the energy problem? Is shale gas a necessary evil in order to reduce our dependency on foreign oil? Would it be worthwhile to develop environmentally friendly adaptations of fracking, or is the process inherently dangerous / insolvable? – I thought that the Pennsylvania politician was less than diplomatic in his response. He stated that there is no clean solution to the energy problem: I agree with him if politicians and lawmakers continue to have that same mentality. In a time of such volatile gas prices and international relations, it makes sense to want to domesticate our energy dependency. However, I believe that a continued expansion of fracking infrastructure, although is momentarily economically enticing, is inherently dangerous to a good portion of society and the entire environment. Instead of creating new fracking facilities, we should invest in the renovation and regulation of these facilities to make them more productive and safer for the environment and the people that live on the land. These improved facilities should then provide the majority of domesticated energy as we wean off of fossil fuels while simultaneously invest in renewable energies. It may not be the cleanest route, but a clean solution definitely does exist.
